Time Management Has Nothing To Do With Time


July 13


09:00 am - 10:30 am

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/time-management-has-nothing-to-do-with-time-tickets-370531037307

Wharton Alumnae Founders and Funders Association

Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/wharton-alumnae-founders-and-funders-association-28938401687
Come join with us for an interactive workshop to learn what’s really at the core of successful time management – it will be “TIME WELL SPENT

The problem:

• Time runs out before your To Do List is completed.

• No matter what choices you make, you feel you made the wrong ones.

• You experience analysis paralysis – there are too many choices, so you don’t make any.

• You’re envious of everyone else who seems to have the solution.

• You question how your 24 hours move at a faster pace than everyone else’s.

• Pick your own frustration…

You’ll experience first-hand in our 60 minutes interactive program, followed by 30 minutes of Q&A

• A new perspective of why time management is a universal challenge

• Four ways to shift your relationship with time

• Four practical mindset tools

• Increased confidence and energy

Ann Drummie, PMP

Ann Drummie is accustomed to sweeping away barriers for success regarding weighty issues, in her pursuit of achieving target goals. This experience has been gleaned through traditional business pursuits, but even more through decades as a curler, and as a leader within her curling clubs. Her experience serves as a great metaphor in her role as a leadership coach for curlers, travelers, project managers, and all who strive for more in their careers.

Throughout her career, Ann has balanced the traditional career path with a non-traditional nomadic world approach. Prior to covid, Ann was a digital nomad, physically traveling from country to country, challenging assumptions and best practices. Even Ann’s academic background, is a balance between Bachelor degrees in Architecture and Civil Engineering, from Smith College and McGill University, respectively, and a Master’s Degree in Architecture for Affordable Housing, from McGill. Ann had produced a video series of “Strength Training Exercises for Leadership Muscles,” which can be utilized as an individual or within a team setting. She has certifications from Integral Coaching Canada, Motivation Factor, and Designing Your Life. Ultimately, the secret is to try and stretch beyond your comfort zone.

LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anndrummie/


The Wharton Alumnae Founders & Funders Association (WAFFA) is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Our mission is to accelerate the success of Penn Wharton female founders and investors. Today, 13% of Penn founders are women but they raise just 6% of venture capital. WAFFA harnesses the power of the Penn Wharton network to educate, support, and foster connections for female founders and funders. Today we have over 5,000 global members and we’re growing.