Listed here are additional alumni and student groups that are involved in furthering the growth of the female start-up eco-system.
We strive to partner whenever we can in order to support each other’s work and strengthen our combined networks.
Wharton Venture Lab – The entrepreneurship center at the Wharton School that serves all students and alumni across the University of Pennsylvania who are interested in entrepreneurship and innovation. The Venture Lab maximizes the ability of students and alumni to address important challenges through entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial thinking.
Wharton Women’s Circles – This program is designed to facilitate personal and professional connections among Wharton alumnae. The School thoughtfully matches small groups of diverse Wharton women that meet once a month, virtually or in-person, over the course of a year.
Wharton Alumni Angels – An active angel investment group composed of Penn alumni and non-Penn alumni who have joined the community. They predominantly invest in early-stage technology start-ups. They seek to add value and actively provide mentoring and assistance to young companies.
Wharton Black MBA Alumni – Dedicated to advancing the careers and economic interests of Black Alumni, increase partnerships with Wharton/Penn and to leverage the collective to positively impact the Black community globally
Wharton Women – Find out about specific information related to women at the University here.
Wharton Private Equity & Venture Capital Association – Working to better the conditions in the private equity industry by sharing the best practices and innovative ideas among members, and by improving the overall standing of the members within the private investor industry.
Wharton Women in PE & VC Initiative – A confidential peer environment to encourage open discussion, guidance, networking and best practice sharing.
Wharton Women in Business – WWIB helps all Wharton women further develop their voices as confident female leaders. They focus on supporting current Wharton students.
Wharton Entrepreneurship Club – For MBA students, to help them navigate the Penn entrepreneurship community. Their vision is to foster a tight-knit social and professional community at Wharton for students who are passionate about entrepreneurship.
Wharton Undergraduate Founders & Funders Association – WUFFA (like WAFFA!) seeks to create a supportive and inclusive Penn Wharton network that will combine mentorship, educational workshops, speaker events and real world experience that will accelerate the success of women founders, investors, and technology operators.
Wharton Alumni Social Impact Club
Trustees’ Council of Penn Women – TCPW is an international network of Penn Alumnae. They advocate the advancement of and improve the environment for women faculty, students, administrators and staff. They support, foster, and promote the advancement of women and women’s issues within the University.
Association of Alumnae – The purpose of the AofA is to strengthen the relationship between the University of Pennsylvania and its alumni and to promote the interests and welfare of the University in areas of concern to those who identify as women.
Wharton Investment Resource Exchange – (for members of Wharton Club of New York) – A platform for alumni to network, start, invest and grow small businesses – for Angels, Advisors and Founders.