Female Founders Shop

Heathy Inspired Cook

Check out Heathy Inspired Cook, offering specially curated kitchen “power tools” to help make cooking faster, easier and more fun. Healthy Inspired Cook wants to empower chefs to use cooking for self-care and care for those you love.

Healthy Inspired Cook was founded by Kadia Lawrence WG’09.  Years ago, she carefully researched and customized a healthy diet for herself, cooking her way to a 100 pound weight loss. This journey showed her the importance of cooking and understanding what you consume. Kadia doesn’t want people to think of cooking as a tedious chore, so she’s taken the guesswork out of what you need at every stage of the your cooking adventure.

Use promo code WHARTON10 for 10% off of your entire order through 12/31/21, onetime use per customer. Shop the WAFFA Founders Store here.

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