Triple Engagement In Your Virtual Meetings Using Secrets From TV Hosts

Learn three strategies from a TV reporter turned meetings expert on how to keep meetings tight, attention-grabbing, and high-ROI.

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In live TV there’s no going over your agenda. You have to keep your audience glued to their screen. It’s your job to weave between interview guestsβ€”without anyone feeling like they’re being cut off. You have to bring in a range of voices, not just the loudest.

After working with Fortune 500 executives to lead and communicate more effectively, Iris Mansour realized that meetings were a huge source of pain, frustration, and money-loss (β€” approximately $39 billion a year β€” the annual cost of bad meetings to U.S. companies).

So she started to train business leaders in the moderation, presentation, and audience engagement techniques she learnt in her first career as a TV reporter at Reuters TV and international media. Clients saw meeting length decrease and engagement increase.

In this session you’ll learn to:

  • Run shorter virtual and hybrid meetings.
  • Keep participants engaged throughout.
  • Have presence and inspire through a screen and in-person.
  • Redirect a conversation if it goes off-track.
  • Increase collaboration, bringing in the best, brightest, and overlooked β€” not just the loudest.

About Iris Mansour

Iris gives executives and teams the power to communicate quickly and persuasively. Her clients include: HBO, Google, Pinterest, Samsung, and Comcast.

She draws on the skills she learnt as a TV reporter, producer, and journalist for some of the world’s biggest media organizations β€” Reuters TV, Fortune, The New York Times, Mashable, France 24, The Guardian, and more.

Her high-touch communication training is trusted by global Fortune 500s. She partners with her clients and companies to:

Create shorter meetings that get results and draw out more ideas from more people.

Build a persuasive, quick, and concise writing culture.

Give short presentations that keep any audience glued and get to the point fast, using techniques from broadcast journalists.

Get buy-in for their ideas using persuasive communication. Because we communicate to get results.

Her secret sauce? Journalists are the world’s most prolific communicators. They’re trained to capture an audience’s attention, make any story compelling, help people open up, present with power, and moderate conversations.

Iris has adapted journalism’s most powerful communication tools for the workplace, so that executives and employees can persuade, influence, inspire and generate real ROI.

Who does Iris work with?

Iris is a trusted advisor to CEOs and executives who want to boost their leadership skills by boosting their communications skills.

And over the years executives, managers, and teams across functions β€” sales, marketing, engineering, and product β€” have hit targets, created results or gotten major initiatives adopted thanks to her trainings.


The Wharton Alumnae Founders & Funders Association (WAFFA) is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Our mission is to accelerate the success of Penn Wharton female founders and investors. Today, 13% of Penn founders are women but they raise just 6% of venture capital. WAFFA harnesses the power of the Penn Wharton network to educate, support, and foster connections for female founders and funders.