How to Give A Killer Presentation: Driving Funders and Customers To Action

You’ve probably heard the old sales adage “ABC: Always Be Closing,” now it’s time to learn the importance of “ABO: Always Be Opening.”

It’s not enough to be the best, to have the best product or service, and hope funders and customers find you. You have to deliver a compelling story that DRIVES them to invest in your endeavor and/or to buy your products/services.

Why? Because people buy YOU first, your company/product/service second. And if they don’t buy you during a business first impression, like a presentation, they won’t even glance at your business, even if it’s the next best thing.

You will learn how to clearly and effectively deliver presentations, opportunity pitches, marketing collateral, etc. regardless of your skill today:

  • Do you get nervous when you have to make a presentation?
  • Do you overwork and tweak to the point of obsessive compulsion?
  • Are you so excited to share all the facts and details that you forget to tell the right story throughout?
  • Would you like to learn what it takes to hit the bullseye on your first time out?

If you answered YES to any of the questions above, this is the program for you.


In a world where dreams are crushed, souls are forgotten, and rust never sleeps, Josh Zepess (the Identity Archaeologist) is on a mission to ensure talented solopreneurs turn every business first impression into a second impression (where the sale happens!) by raising their ROC – Return on Conversation – so they can profit more without grinding more.

After decades on the corporate farm as a shy, introverted engineer, he realized that the cubicle could no longer contain him. So he escaped. It was a rocky road through entrepreneurship in the financial and gym industries until he finally stopped ignoring his genius. Now he plays in it, profitably, every day.

When he’s not digging for business gold, he flies airplanes, brews beer, runs long-distance obstacle course races, and sets the bar low as a semi-professional comedian (not the funny kind!)

Here is a link to a free (no sales whammy either) master session with Josh to create your unique, compelling, and persuasive answer to the most important business question you’ll ever get asked: “So tell me, what do you do?”

Together you will create it real-time, on the call and you will walk away with a small, but mighty business asset. It’s part of his public service to the business community.


The Wharton Alumnae Founders & Funders Association (WAFFA) is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Our mission is to accelerate the success of Penn Wharton female founders and investors. Today, 13% of Penn founders are women but they raise just 6% of venture capital. WAFFA harnesses the power of the Penn Wharton network to educate, support, and foster connections for female founders and funders.