WAFFA’s Sunday Tea for October


October 2


04:00 pm - 05:00 pm

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/waffas-sunday-tea-for-october-tickets-409331189607

Wharton Alumnae Founders and Funders Association

Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/wharton-alumnae-founders-and-funders-association-28938401687
Join WAFFA for Sunday Tea and meet other incredible Penn/Wharton women.

Hello to our fabulous Wharton community!

We had so much fun at our last Tea party that we have decided to host virtual Sunday Tea (and drinks) Parties on the first Sunday of every other month. It’s a chance for us all to reconnect, see old friends and meet new ones.


The Wharton Alumnae Founders & Funders Association (WAFFA) is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Our mission is to accelerate the success of Penn Wharton female founders and investors. Today, 13% of Penn founders are women but they raise just 6% of venture capital. WAFFA harnesses the power of the Penn Wharton network to educate, support, and foster connections for female founders and funders.