Q&A Session for Venture Initiation Program – VIP-X San Francisco


Wharton Alumnae Founders and Funders Association

Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/wharton-alumnae-founders-and-funders-association-28938401687
Q&A for WAFFA members interested in applying to this Accelerator program for Penn students and alumni entrepreneurs. Applications due 1/16.

The Spring 2023 Application cycle is now open for Venture Initiation Program X/ San Francisco.

VIP-X/San Francisco is an accelerator open to Penn students and alumni entrepreneurs who are developing their own ventures. This in-person four-month program runs twice a year, in the fall and in the spring. The venture must have demonstrated/measurable traction and be based in the San Francisco/Bay Area during their time in VIP-X/San Francisco. 

Applications are due before Monday, January 16, 11:59 pm PT. Applications accepted only via online application. For More Information and to Apply, Click Here

If you are interested in applying to the program, WAFFA will be hosting a Q&A with Ali Krantzler and Irina Yuen from the Venture Lab along with a few alumnae who have completed the program – including Priyanka Kole, CEO and Co-Founder of Svaa Haa Foods, who recently completed the fall 2022 cycle.

This Q&A session will take place Thursday 1/12 2pm PT / 5pm ET.

The Wharton Alumnae Founders & Funders Association (WAFFA) is on a mission to accelerate the success of Wharton and Penn alumnae in the start-up world – founders, investors and supporters. WAFFA is one of the fastest-growing clubs at the University, with over 5,500 members in under four years. WAFFA is a 501c3 non-profit organization

Women-led businesses have been largely overlooked by the investment community. We launched WAFFA when we discovered that only 13% of University of Pennsylvania founders are women and they raise just 6% of venture dollars. WAFFA harnesses the power of our network to educate, support, and foster connections for alumnae in the start-up community. We want to build an eco-system that fosters growth for women and accelerates our access to confidence and capital.