WAFFA Sunday Tea – March 26th


March 26


07:00 pm - 08:00 pm

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/waffa-sunday-tea-march-26th-tickets-565074140967

Wharton Alumnae Founders and Funders Association

Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/wharton-alumnae-founders-and-funders-association-28938401687
Join us for a lively conversation about reframing our relationship with networking.

Networking is one of those things that some of us just don’t love doing. While it seems like it comes really naturally to some people, there are others of us who would rather be doing just about anything else (waiting in line in the DMV sound good?).

However, bottom line – as a professional, networking is something we can’t avoid. Regardless of what field you work in, or what role you have, building relationships is key to success.

Consider – it’s not about being in “sales mode”. It’s about meeting people and showing them you’re someone worth knowing. Ask questions, see how you can help them and relationships may build naturally from there.

So – let’s talk! Join us for the first Sunday Tea of 2023 on Sunday March 26th – 4pm/PT and 7pm/ET – for a fun, warm, friendly and lively conversation with Shannon Grant WG (aka the Queen of the 5-minute Favor) and Pam Harris WG (Former Co-Pres and current Co-Pres of WAFFA respectively).


The Wharton Alumnae Founders & Funders Association (WAFFA) is on a mission to accelerate the success of Wharton and Penn alumnae in the start-up world – founders, investors and supporters. WAFFA is one of the fastest-growing clubs at the University, with over 5,500 members in under four years.

Women-led businesses have been largely overlooked by the investment community. We launched WAFFA when we discovered that only 13% of University of Pennsylvania founders are women and they raise just 6% of venture dollars. WAFFA harnesses the power of our network to educate, support, and foster connections for alumnae in the start-up community. We want to build an eco-system that fosters growth for women and accelerates our access to confidence and capital.