
Entrepreneur Media’s 100 Women of Influence

Excited to share that Reham Fagiri (WG12), AptDeco Co-founder and CEO, has been named one of Entrepreneur Media’s 100 Women of Influence in 2022. AptDeco is a furniture resale marketplace that offers pickup and delivery. Reham explains, “My cofounder, Kalam Dennis, was trying to sell his sofa and getting frustrated with lowball and no-show buyers. I’d rented a moving truck and offered it to him for a few hours. Once he edited his sofa listing to include ‘free delivery, one day only,’ the item sold for full asking price, immediately. This was our ‘Aha!’ moment. Furniture is the second-largest contributor of urban waste: More than 12 million tons is sent to landfills every year. Changing mindsets about used furniture is an uphill battle, so we’re doing lots of education on what it means to shop for used furniture.”