Welcome to the WAFFA network – a community of 5.7k+ Wharton & Penn Alumnae Founders, Funders, and Friends.

Join Our Community

We are creating a thriving community for Wharton + Penn Female Founders, Funders and Friends.

It is a place to connect, support, inspire, celebrate each other.

Start by signing up for our weekly newsletter, and joining our WhatsApp community.

Founder Spotlights

What’s your story? If you are a Penn or Wharton female founder, we would love to profile you and your start-up in an upcoming newsletter, on Medium and across our social channels. Just fill out this form – we look forward to sharing your experiences and insights with the community.

Meet our amazing WAFFA Founders

Funder Spotlights

What’s your story? If you are a Penn or Wharton female funder, we would love to profile you in an upcoming newsletter, on Medium and across our social channels. Just fill out this form – we look forward to sharing your experiences and insights with the community.

Meet our amazing WAFFA Funders

13% of Penn Wharton founders are women. They raise 6% of the venture capital.


Women-led businesses have been largely overlooked by the investment community.


of US Venture Capital Invested in Women-led Startups


of capital going to women Penn Wharton founders despite the fact that they represent 13%

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